Sunday, September 19, 2010 NOT .com
So much has happened, and gone on, and I have take time off from being a photographer; then back at, with of course 2 months of work to catch up on. There are things that I would have done differently, and things I just wouldn't have done, over the near-whole-year. It would be hard to fill in the entire time, and even if you like my blog, and have been waiting with baited breath for me to continue witting... even you would entirely need a few weeks to read a blog post that is that long. So.. I will give you a few details, mainly if connected to a photos that I am posting, and as I move forward with the blog, and mention something that has happened, I will fill you in... ready to see a whole bunch, a ton, a mountain of new photos?
Cool! I'll be back to post photos right after we take this commercial break.... brought to you by:
It's new.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Today's Post is a Little Different

Friday, September 25, 2009
The Summer in a Blur

These first photos are from my photo shoot with the two girls from Lindsey. Both these young ladies are beautiful, and very talented.. I expect to see them on the covers of magazines some time soon. (for those following close enough to see that I had started this posting, two days after my last, however, it's been on the back burner for the last few days). So.. there's more to write about.. and to show. There is actually a great deal going on... changes (already) at my studio;
with one partner moving on already. Well, you know, or at least you can read in an earlier blog about the troubles in deciding a studio and business name? It's still early enough to change the name; and put the name in which I had hoped for; forever. "Mark Allan Photography" :) Although we may end up advertising as "Allan Photography".. simply because "A" is the first letter, and therefore puts the studio at an advantage when appearing in phone books, or google, or search engines. But there are things that need to be defined this week. It's going to be exciting.
I have wanted to shoot horses for a while. Horse owners are a breed amongst themselves. In the last few weeks, I have had the chance to shoot 3 pretty girls, and two pretty amazing horses.
There are a few things that are happening, and I feel that they are important to tell you about.. One of my friends, contacted me about an idea she had in order to raise $10,000 for the Cancer Society. She has be affected by cancer with more than one person who was close to her. She would like to put together a calander; photos of people who have also been touched, or affected in some way by cancer. I am going to shoot the entire thing for her, provide my studio and services for nothing more than a smile. I try hard to keep my business life, and personal life seperate; but sometimes, like this, I will share--
Growing up, I was extremely close to my grandfather. He was a second father, a spirital leader, the wisest, and most patient man I have ever known. I watched this man, whom I loved, suffer and die an aweful death. Why is it that we can send a man to the moon, or replace a heart, but we haven't been able to fix, or stop cancer?
If you have been affected, and would like to help out, and take part.. feel free to send me an email and I will share it with the friend who's putting together this fantastic project.
On a much lighter note.. I will be starting winter workshops.. both for photographers, and for models, and for parents of young models..
So I have to run, and hang another door in the back of the studio.. the bathroom door to be exact.. lol.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Remember Me?; "My summer photos"

Well, I am a superman fan (freak), but I am certainly not superman, and in all honesty, I can't promise to write every week... but I will do what's in my powers to see that I update you as often as possible.
So, strap in, here comes the stuff you've missed since my last blog. And in the interest of time, and in keeping your interest.. today will be mostly photos. I have been telling you about my new store,

and so, I actually have lots of photos to share from even the "renovation period".

It was a fun time discovering black and whites again.. I love black and white photos.. it just seems the a black and white photos gives you the story line, but without the colour; the details are left to the viewer to fill in.
I got to meet a lot of amazing people.. models, make up aritsts, hair stylists.. whom I now also call friends. Ahhh the beauty of facebook (shameless plug.. you can now go directly to my facebook page from here, and visa vira).
In the stretch, I hooked up with a student designer from London; Stephanie Connell.

I have so much more to share, but have just run out of time for today.. so I guess, I will pick up tomorrow and show you the rest of "my summer photos".
Mark Allan
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Cambridge Highland Games - the Scots Won!

Monday, July 13, 2009
Just a Quick Update.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Happy Canada Day!
So here's my effort at what I hope you'll see over the doors, when you come visit..

Friday, June 12, 2009
First, Second, and third times are a charm, with these two

Sunday, May 31, 2009
A Tall, Ball of Nerves, with a beautiful smile.

A little aside - When I was younger I had an agent.. not as a model, relax. but as a comdian... what an entirely bad experience, and a rip off.. money to have "them" try to find me work.. money for headshots.. classes, and more money for "updated" headshots. My parents bought me my first camera, and I fell in love. i knew I wanted to be a fashion photographer (not sure if it was for the money, or fame.. but I haven't gotten to either one just But how to get started... I was lucky to find the right people.. models who had been in the business a long time, and were absolutely fantasic at what they did. They helped me start, and build my portfolio.... and I appreciate it so much, that I will never forget that everyone needs help starting.. and if I can.. I will.. just ask me:)
So, back to my shoot today. Alison showed up.. nervous, with new clothes, and excited! (not sure if she was more excited for her first photo shoot, or that she got to go shopping for new So we got her changed, and off we went to a few close locations to start. Her new dress got bird stuff on it, and her new sweater got wet grass stains on it... lol really working in the new clothes.. and Alison. I saw the nerves relax, and we headed back to the studio, and got some really wonderful photos. I hope she likes them.. it was a fun day!
See you again... Thanks.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wild Animal Shoots?