I was born in Cambridge. I was raised in Cambridge. I have been lucky enough to travel; I have seen most all of North America and a small place overseas. But Cambridge in my home. Over the span of my life, I have seen signs, convoys of kilts, and heard that unmistakable sound of bag o pipes, every summer. Yet, til this year I have never gone to see, or take part in the Cambridge Highland games. As a kid, I remember my grandfather dragging me to the Fergus Highland games. I also remember it being a case of "have we seen everything, can we go now?" Which is too bad; because yesterday I walked into a part of Scotland, right here in town. Cambridge. The games were held in Churchill park, though I swear by the time I found a parking place, and
walked to the site of the games, I could easily have been parked in Scotland.

The Scots are a proud people, both in the present, and in celebrating their history. The bag o pipes music is something that you either love, or don't really enjoy.. and though it was very interesting to watch and listen to approx 200 male, and female baggers, pipping to the same tune; I really find, I am on the side that perhaps gets enough of the bagpipes once a year.
I actually arrived a little late to see the whole day's events.. (the Scot either are very early risers, or the Highland Games were being run from the Scottish time zone.. IT WAS A SATURDAY FOLKS!!!... At any rate, I did get to see a few games.. and even took some photos. Funny how that works sometimes :) The one thing that I really wanted to see, and photograph was the highland dancing. I am, as most people know, a huge fan of the ballet.. modern dance. The discipline that it takes a person to be a dancer, is so over looked by the average person.. Years of conditioning, and practise; which brings me back to the highland dancers, and one.. Rachel ummm.. no last night, just Rachel the highland dancer. This young dancer, spent the entire time I was wondering around, practising under a rain tent.. and at times, hitting her head, and arms and hands off of said tent. Needless to say, it was obvious, even to the untrained eye..
this girl was a highland dancer.. and perhaps I hadn't missed all of the dancing. Rachel, and her mother were very helpful in explaining the competition, and I thank them both. Because I was only able to stay a short time after the dancing started, I fear I missed most of it.. what Rachel's mother (who's name I didn't get, hence, the title "Rachel's mother").. pretty costumes, rather than the male outfits (which is not hard to believe, by the way.. in the time I was at the park, there were many more men, than women wearing kilts). I would like to have seen the other costumes, and in return for being so kind to me at the games.. when Rachel, and/or her mother reads my blog... all of it, there will be a quiz...lol.. I would invite them to call me 519-94-2291.. and I would love to bring Rachel into my studio, and take some photos of all her costumes, including the ones I missed. Absolutely no charge (oh boy, I just heard thousands of jaws hit the floor).. my gift in return for your kindness, and new friendship... although, I may put one of the photos in the studio window.

In the short time that I was at the highland games I took a great number of photos.. all of which I do not have the room to post here.. so if you follow this link, you'll find a web page with a photo gallery called "Cambridge Highland Games". The photos are not for sale, and if you are in one, and wish to have a copy, please feel free to call, or email me to ask for a copy of the photos. For the protection of the people that I took photos of at the games; the gallery, and it's photos are protected from being copied.. be patient.. I have been busy, and will upload the photos Monday.
Last week sometime (yes, I know, if I were writing in the blog after every shoot, I would remember).. I shot another couple together. The photos of Bri and her boyfriend Nat, were so real, that there came others asking if I would shoot the same sort of theme with them.
A friend of mine, who is also moving out west (hmm, I shoot them, they move out west).. sent me a message, and asked if I could possibly shoot photos like the bri photos of her, and her friend, and new model.. (the guy, out of nowhere, turns out GQ photos).. The photos turned out great.. and we had lots of fun. And.. I got a bottle of coke out of it...lol.

That's it for this time.. blog at you soon.
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