I really have been busy, the last few weeks (no, this time I mean it)... renovating and readying the new studio.. which is also a store front portrait studio. The name is Picture That Photography. The name was a little tricky.. I have been dreaming for years of opening my own portrait studio, and having my name across the top.. MARK ALLAN PHOTOGRAPHY. Alas, I have also been looking for a suitable partner. Someone, a newer photographer, eager to learn, full of energy... a fresh look at the world of photography (film is a four letter word for newer photographer...lol). The store/studio, is located in Hespler, Cambridge, at 165 FisherMills Rd., Unit 3. It's sandwiched between Mac's and Titos Pizza.. so lunch break are going to be short...lol. I have spend weeks renovating - removing walls.. building walls... hanging doors. Yep.. I actually hung a regular door, and a pocket door; and both work (little proud of myself :).
So back to the name. Not really all that hard to agree on a conom name.. it was the battle of the logos that began a grinding rut.. we thought we had one that we both liked.. then, not so much.. then the endless versions of logos..
I really just want to take photos.. create memories, create art, share photos that inspire and awe. What do I know about "marketing 101". Well, as it were, and is, the young lady who's my partner is the venture, is a marketing major in university. Research on colours; research on shapes, and "sample" groups of strangers to see if they approve of a logo for the store and portrait studios business. I am a little "old school" when it comes to some things. I certainly appreciate the efforts, and advice that has been given freely, and handed down on what our logo should be, or look like.. but as I thank all the people that took time to review our logo, I am just not all that crazy about a group of strangers deciding what should, or shouldn't hang over my store, or be my letter head, or the crest that I am going to wear on my shirt for a long time to come. I take pride, in making sure that everyone that I take photos of, leaves happy, excited at the photo memories that I was able, and glad to provide for them. I really want my photos to be the resume, the grounds in which people choice to come to this new studio... the photos, and not the sign that hangs over the door. I can, and will promise you, that whether my four year old nephew finger paints the sign over the door, or a marketing team, and sign company puts up the sign over the door; I will still, and most certainly, with pride, and excitment.. make sure that you have the best photos, the photos you had hoped for, before you leave the studio (really, none of that 15 minutes, and pick from what there is, that you get at some studios).
So here's my effort at what I hope you'll see over the doors, when you come visit..
So here's my effort at what I hope you'll see over the doors, when you come visit..

So, even with the renovation.. (just a small note of thanks.. I didn't, and couldn't have done the renovation all by myself.. Ken, thanks for doing all the electrial work, and keeping me safe.. and Sean, thanks for grunt work, and labour stuff, that's not as exciting as.. mm, dropping a ligh
t on your head, but still needed to be done... and special thanks to Jen, Megan, and Katie, who, by their own admittions have little, or no renovating skills or desires, but took time out, to come visit, and just keep me company), I was able to get in a few fun, and amazing photo shoots.

I was able to put together "the team" philp -hair, lisa -assistant, and Katelynn Nadon (a fantastic make up artist - hire her!!), and of course the model, Stevie Starr. I had worked with her once before, for a short time, and was waiting to do something elegant, and straight from the pages of any fashion magazine.
I went for a lovely walk with Casandra..
and shot some "last fashion photos", and the "beginning of her maternity" photos.. congrads !! Wow.. and speaking of Con"grads", and Casandra's.. The 14year old that I have shot in the past.. and will now be looking to shoot to get her portfolio ready, had a graduation celebration this month, and I popped by before she went out to relieve the "stresses" of grade eight..... Casandra.. could have a future in the fashion industry.. look out CNTM.
I also met some new friends, and got some pretty cool photos. Stacie, lives in the "sticks".. but only two minutes from a major highways.. her little cottage home, away from the cities grind, provided a beautiful backdrop for
her first photos. I look forward to shooting Stacie again... and my newest friend.. and messaging buddy; Megan...
she and I have been working out the details for her next shoot.. and like so many others, she thinks that I should be sleeping right now, instead of writing this blog.. lol.

So, consider this your personal invitation to come have a look at the new store/studio.. (just look for the store, without a sign above the door..lol).. I am not giving us shooting fashion, or art.. I love what I do, and I love to create a photo; I am merely adding a place for more family, and brides and grooms, parents to bring their children for amazing photos!!! Thanks everyone.
Oh.. and, in the hopes of finding out, if anyone, actually does read my blog.. simply print this blog message, and bring it with you when you book your next photo shoot, session, or package, and I will see that you receive a 20% discount right off the price of your photos.
Lastly.. inspired, or depressed by the wave of "twilight" fans.. my sister included.. I broke down, and jumped on the band wagon, and created the photo on the right that leads this entry of my blog...
Feel free to drop by, or call me - 519-594-2291, or at the studio itself 519-220-0100..
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