You all know that the road to "blogs" are paved with good intention. I had planned on writing here, about every shoot.. It's still my plan, but bare with me if the blogs don't come near as often as I shoot.
Here's a little "catch up" on what's been going on, and what you may have missed.
-closed the Blair Studio.. kept most of the group of photographers..
-found another place to make into a studio..
-added two new photographers to the group.. (sound fimilar :()
-moved into the new spot.. started working on it to make it a perfect studio.
-after only two months (when photographers join the group, it's on a one year basis), two new photographer quit without notice (sound fimilar? lol )
made a choice to not continue pouring money into a place without the comitments of photographers, who join excited for a studio, equipment, and any help, or advise I could possibly offer.
-closed(ing) the new spot.. and moving on once more.
-found a new place. a store front that will be my portrait studio, as well as a fully equipped studio for 5 photographers who will be renting and using the studio behind the wall of the front end store front. It's been a goal for a long time, and the time just seemed right.
-moving into the new place in july.. and having a grand opening for friends, models, mua, and the general public in sept.. (likely the 1st.. or the week school starts for kids)
Met some new friends, who are extremely talented.. a make up artist with zeal, passion, and vission.. and all the skills to back it up. Problem is, she's so good, so busy, it's hard to pin her down for photo shoots.. :)
Oh... I also got myself a new laptop.. important to note here, because as of yet, i haven't put a lot of my photos on it, so this blog will be more writting, and less photos.. sorry.
I do want to show off some of my newer photos though.. a couple from a photo shoot with a girl named Brianne.. and her boyfriend Nathan. A friend/model suggested to Brianne that she might like to work with me on some photos for her boyfriend, as she is going away

to school for an entire year.. I am glad to have met both Brianne, and Nathan, and had a great deal of fun taking an afternoon to get some really amazing photos. Even Nathan, whom, I was warned, does not like to be in photos, jumped in to make some pretty cool "james dean" like photos. Both did really well, and made it a really fun afternoon. Don't you think that they look great,

and look great together....? I hope that they both like the photos as much as I do.
Though I was without a studio for a while, I was still having fun, and shooting with some people, some models that really were able to help out, by sucking up the cold weather.. and braving the elements for some amazing outdoor artistic work (which I can't show you on this blog.. but you can check out my photoblog :) I have to tell you, now that the winter months are past.. some days that I shot some of these brave model.. it was freakn cold.. like, coat, mitts, and scarf cold..
Not having a working studio, really forced me to be creative again.. finding different locations, and posing new, and unique ideas.. One location that I shot "to death" is an old abandon

So, for fear of boring you.. any further.. I will post a few more photos, and save the babble for the next blog.. which I promise won't take another 3 months to post :)
Thanks for the support, the help, and all the fun that went into the amazing winter, studio-less months of my photography.

if you'd like to see more photos..
facebook - MArk Allan
or my photoblog