Saturday, November 22, 2008

Meredith; a little bit colder...

The snow looked so pretty the other day, that I really wanted to shoot outside, at least one more time. I had already had a photo shoot arranged with Meredith, with plans to travel to TO and shoot in an abandon factory. The weather was perhaps not the greatest to travel in, so with very little convincing, Meredith and I were off to shoot in an old abandon barn that I have shot in a few times before. It was very cold. Despite the weather conditions, Meredith pulled off another amazing set of photos. We started inside the barn, in the basement, with little light, and yes, absolutely no heat. We found a spot the lit up with available light so nicely, and Meredith, dressed in over alls was able to hold a pose long enough to get the shots.
After thawing, slightly, and changing in the truck, we moved to shoot in the snow, outside, without any sort of cover. Like a pro, Meredith pulled off the amazing photos that you see here.
Afterwards, we headed back to the studio to get some work done.. food on the way, and while I edited some of the photos, Meredith, warmed, under a few blankets, and the heater.. fell asleep. Who says Art isn't exhausting? Thanks for BRAVING the cold.. you did a fantastic job.

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